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Top interview questions: Your guide to preparation

During an interview, you should be prepared in advance. If you are not, then you likely to be stressful when you face the interviewer. The interviewer starts the conversation to ask the questions with a smile and you should be prepared to getting ready for giving really good answers. Once you start introducing yourself, interviewer starts to prepare the next question. The next question- well, it may be fired on you so quickly and catch you off-guard that you may not get time to think over it. But how do you get ready? Well, you can prepare for a few top interview questions that are probably asked in almost every interview and thus you’ll be not nervous during the interview. 

Read on, to know the top interview questions and prepare yourself accordingly to give your best shot! While preparing for the answers consider the following points.

  • Please talk about yourself/ Tell me about yourself

This is one the first questions that you likely to asked. Well, to this question be clear about yourself and ofcourse be truthful about the details like your domicile, family, education-education that graduation/post-graduation and work experience, your strengths, likes and dislikes. If you are a fresher, don’t hesitate in telling the truth as you will be hired according to your skills and education acquired. If you have acquired any sort of training or done a summer internship or a short-term course do tell it in detail, as it can prove to be a scoring point and strengthen your chances of selection for the job.

  • What’s your overall experience regarding the post you have applied for?

Every interviewer is interested in the experience you have gained over the years. If you’re a fresher, your participation in internships, summer jobs or any volunteered programs in which you have participated must be brought to the notice of the potential recruiters.Be honest with your experience detail and if you don’t have any, be clear about it and let them know about your willingness to learn on the job. This will evoke confidence in the recruiter and he will also see you as a potential employee.You should show a positive attitude and express the willingness to learn new things. 

Express yourself in a confident attitude, even if you are unsure about something, express itin asubtle tone. For instance, you can say that, “I have gained some experience but I do not particularly have one role in mind, but I’m sure to make a positive difference in the role I’m assigned. I hope my experience will allow me to help the company to accomplish its objectives in the long run’.

  • Why have you chosen our firm/us? 

This another top interview question. It is important to understand the expectation of the interviewer too.An organization hires talent acquisition personnel so that he is able to hire the best person for the job profile and they require a great answer from you as why have you chosen to apply for a job in their organization. They require the right person for the right job – an employee that can seamlessly fit into the role/ job profile he has been assigned. Though there are a few initial hiccups but the right hires do fit into the job sooner or later. The training part is an investment itself for the company and thus they require an employee that can give them a great ROI and justify his pay package. So, you need to weigh the pros and coms of committing yourself and explain that willingness on your part to get the job as you are seen as an asset for the company in future. Make sure you do a little research of the company/ organization so that you the potential employer knows that you have come prepared and have not randomly applied for the job. It’s especially the case with freshers who apply to multiple openings, but are clueless when it comes to the interview. But they need to study the company, the kind of products and services they are dealing with, a brief history about the company and its current market position. With all such information, you’ll have food for thought and be able to discuss with the interviewer. The potential employer will be interested in you as you have shown an interest in their firm. This is going to leave a great impression on the interviewer and improve your chances of selection for the job. 

  • What’s your career plan/strategy/ how do you see yourself professionally in 5 years? 

This is another important question asked and you should have an answer ready for it. The employer does not expect a minutely planned career path. However, he expects that you with a clear mind have a well chalked out overall plan in your mind. This will help the recruiter know your thinking ability and your foresightedness towards your career.

Youneed to be honest with your answers and please avoid being a motor mouth as that can severely blow your chances of being recruited. Share your plans and your big dreams. You should talk about your open-mindedness to learning and willingness to go through training at regular intervals to upgrade your skills and knowledge that will prove beneficial for your career. 

Get your answers ready to the aforementioned top interview questions and sail smooth through your interview. It is likely that with confidence and genuine answers you are likely to succeed and get the job with the organization. Best of luck in your endeavor to bag the dream job.


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