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Please read below Questions and their answers that how CV warehouse works. It will increase your understanding about services

Frequently asked questions

1. How realistic are my chances of getting a job? Do you guarantee that I will be considered for Interviews?

2. Can I use this service even while I am currently employed?

3. Do you send out CVs in the order of particular Business and Corporate sectors?

4. I am currently not in the UAE, am I eligible to register?

5. Will I be permitted to update my CV after uploading it on your portal?

6. Is this a registered company? How do I make payments?

7. What are the payment options available?

8. How many times does a payment qualify my CV for distribution or editing?

9. What will I need to do to get the best results if I make another payment for this service?

10. Which areas are covered in your distribution service?

11. How will my interests be indicated to the potential employers, in terms of expected remunerations (salary, bonuses etc.)?

12. In what format should my CV be prepared?

13. How long does it take for your company to finish processing a registration?

14. Are there any hidden charges for this service? Will I be expected to pay a commission from the salary I earn if I get an employment through your firm?

15. Are there any factors that might limit my chances of getting an audience with employers?

16. What are my actual benefits from using this service?

17. What is your distribution process and how soon should results be expected?

18. Is there a money back guarantee if I don’t get a job?


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